Friday, December 30, 2011

Bring it on 2012!!

Ok!  It's almost 2012..and I am 40 years old!  Weird thing is...I LOVE IT!!  Something happened when I turned was like magically I began to embrace and really enjoy life.  I am sure part of it is having great friends who give me something to look forward too...  (Much better than my 30's when I had pretty much isolated myself and definitely felt the impact of that for the entire decade).

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve...and I am going OUT!  I haven't gone out to celebrate New Years in over a decade and a half.  It was always so depressing to me...  No one to kiss at midnight.  Single, pathetic woman all alone...  Then I hit 40 and realized....I spent a decade and a half waiting for "the one" to come and make my life worth fully living...  And it turns out - my life could have been fantastic the entire time - even without Mr. Right.

Now, I AM taking baby steps.  It's not like I am going out to some big fancy party somewhere.  I am going to C's garage party.  I am not going to stumble upon the man of my dreams there, for sure....but this is NOT about finding a man to fulfill me.  This is about loving the life I have right now....with my friends.  How lucky am I?  Bring it on, 2012...I look forward to what you have in store :)